In Alberta, our electricity bills are made up of two components:
In addition, these rates differ between urban and rural locations and the retailer and wire owner involved. Total utility bills can vary quite drastically depending on location.
This rate is listed in the cents / kWh. For example, it will show up on your bill at $0.08 / kWh or, in some cases, 8 cents / KWh. The entire rate is a VARIABLE rate. This rate will depend on your agreement with your energy retailer.
As more and more ratepayers start to pay attention to utility bills, we are realizing we have a whole list of charge: Transmission, Distribution, Line Loss, Administration Charges, etc. These rates are a mix between VARIABLE and FIXED and depend on the wire owner serving your area.
Let’s take ATCO for example: Customer Charge (Fixed) Energy Charge (Variable)
Transmission: NA 3.31 cents / kWh
Distribution: 99.15 cents / day 7.03 cents / kWh
Service Charge: 28.59 cents / day NA
Total Delivery: Variable: 10.34 cents / kWh Fixed: $38.8 / month
Total Variable: 18.34 cents / kWh Total Fixed: $38.8 / month /-
TYPICAL RURAL POWER BILL @ 1,200 kWh / month.
- No Solar System: $259 / month
- With 12kW Solar System: $45 / month. The Solar System saves 18.34 cents / kWh!
- 84% reduction in the power bill! Actual, real economic savings!
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