Sunfind Blog

Current News & Projects

  As part of Alberta’s 2014 Green Energy Doors Open (GEDO), a site tour and presentation were given at a local man’s residence in Red Deer County this past Saturday where attendees were shown first hand the benefits of solar energy.  This is the first time GEDO has taken place in Alberta as the initiative originated in Ontario with the Ontario …
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Join us Saturday, October 4, from 11am to 1PM for a residential solar tour and min-seminar as part of the City of Red Deer's Green Energy Doors.   Are interested in what is required and what it takes to install solar on your home? The event starts at 11AM and runs to 1PM.    Information that will be covered: 1. What is solar PV and how it int…
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If I could tell someone the most significant development in the solar industry, what would it be?.....It would be that solar power pricing is now on par, or in some cases, even CHEAPER than utility power.   In the last couple of years, solar energy has dived in price by around 60-70%!!  This means we can generate solar energy on par with current ut…
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  It wasn’t long ago (and still happens today) where the perception was that solar was too expensive.   In the last couple of years that has all changed!  Take for example this recently installed system.  Many urban homes will accept a 4-6kW with higher capacity electrical systems, larger roofs and higher consumption are able to ins…
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Wow, the last post is from November 2013...where has the time gone! So, what have we been up to?? Well, we have hired additional staff, grown our installation arm and been hanging on for the ride.   We now have the capability to handle full EPC contracts...from the Engineering stage, to Procurement and finally Construction.   If you are needing in…
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