Solar for Business

Below is a small collection of our commercial projects.   Don't forget to complete the form to receive a free estimate! 


Commercial solar systems have gained significant traction over the last few years as the cost of solar energy has fallen.  Businesses across Canada are embracing solar energy for the financial savings available and the ability to show commitment to sustainability and our environment. 

The status quo is to use energy and pay for it at the end of every month. Money in and money out, every month, forever.  What is the economic return on that?  How much of your hard earned dollars are you sending to the utility each year? After 10 years? After 20 years?  Is there a better way?  Take the expense you current incur and redirect those funds to paying for a solar system for your business - and the best part, once the solar system is paid for, the energy is now free and you can enjoy all those savings for a decade or more! 

Can a solar PV system save me anything?  You bet - but commercial applications are very diverse and site specific.   The amount of energy used annually, the peak power loads and the billing rates and structure will determine the savings realized via the utility bill.  Sunfind Solar's extensive commercial experience ensures we are able to correctly and accurately assess each application, which allows us to provide reliable and accurate proposals outlining system performance and savings. 

In addition to the savings realized on the utility bill, the Federal Gov't offer a 50% Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance under class 43.2 of the federal tax code.   This allows the system owner to amortize the solar system over approximate 5 years, which is able to lower the buyer's federal taxable income. 

Between the utility bill savings and tax savings, in addition to the current Alberta Solar Rebate Incentives, there has never been a better time to invest in a solar PV system for your business. 

By creating clean, renewable energy, the solar PV system is helping improve our environment for generations to come.  A solar PV system demonstrates a business is able to take action on creating a more sustainable environment in a responsible and financially viable way.  

Sunfind Solar knows solar and can help you go solar! 

Please contact us for a free estimate! 

The solar revolution is here.  In recent years, the solar industry has transformed from a niche, specialized energy solution to a energy solution that is now affordable for the masses.  Contact to learn how a solar system can save you money, provide cost certainty and allow you to invest in energy security.


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